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Location & region

Bad Bevensen

The source of health and popular holiday location in the Lüneburger Heide region – Bad Bevensen offers relaxing activities and restful holidays for leisure time and health in an ideal environment.

Since 1975, the small town in the Heide has been known as a spa resort. This relatively young spa site is perfect for people who want to do something for their health and maintain their physical fitness in a quiet forested region.

The 12 hectares of the spa park along the Ilmenau River connect the spa quarters with the old town and is a starting point for beautiful walks, for example to the Medingen Monastery, which is close by.

AKZENT Hotel Berlin
Wiesenweg 11 | 29549 Bad Bevensen | Tel.: +49 (0)5821 506 0 | Fax: +49 (0) 5821 506 40 |